“Jesus” Helmet
“Vernon God Little”
Director: Gretchen Egolf
Designer: Dallas Wexler
Stage: Webber Douglas Studio, Central, 4th - 7th December 2019
The designers concept vs the finished product
You stay here, I’ll go on a head
The helmet for Vernon God Little had to be good as the character who played “Jesus” was always seen wearing it. Weight distribution was the most important thing to consider for this helmet as the taller it got, the higher the centre of mass was. This was important as the “Jesus” character would be on a bike (see “custom bike and podium”) and falling off of that due to dizziness or unbalancement would really not be ideal for the paying audience members.
The helmet was a very interesting build as the reference image was something I had never even seen before. Overall this project was a lot of fun and alongside the podium and ornimate, was a project where I had full control over each prop.